Hasil studi terbaru dari Inggris menunjukkan, sinyal ponsel berpotensi menyebabkan kematian lebah madu. Bagaimana bisa?
Pemimpin tim Dr Daniel Favre yakin, sinyal ponsel menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab berkurangnya populasi lebah dunia dalam kurun 25 tahun terakhir. Populasi lebah madu di Inggris, kini berkurang setengahnya.
Sementara itu, di Amerika Serikat (AS), koloni lebah tiba-tiba menghilang di musim dingin. Untuk itu, tim melakukan uji dengan meletakkan ponsel di bawah sarang lebah. Setelah itu, tim peneliti secara seksama memperhatikan reaksi lebah.
Tim menemukan, lebah bisa mengetahui saat ponsel menerima ataupun melakukan panggilan. Sekitar 20-40 menit setelah ponsel diaktifkan, lebah-lebah ini mengeluarkan lengkingan suara tinggi dan menjadi gelisah.
Setelah dua menit panggilan telepon berakhir, gerak lebah kembali tenang. Meski penelitian ini tak langsung membuktikan sinyal ponsel bisa membunuh lebah, Favre berkeras gelombang elektromagnetik sinyal ‘berkontribusi’ dalam berkurangnya populasi lebah dunia.
“Hasil studi menunjukkan, ponsel aktif membuat lebah terganggu dan memberi efek dramatis,” ujarnya.
Results of recent studies from the UK shows, cell phone signals can potentially cause the death of honey bees. How come?
The team leader Dr Daniel Favre sure, mobile phone signal became one of the factors causing reduction in bee population the world over the last 25 years. Honey bee population in the UK, is now reduced by half.
Meanwhile, in the United States (U.S.), colonies of bees suddenly disappear in the winter. To that end, the team tested by putting the phone under a beehive. After that, the research team carefully consider the reaction of bees.
The team found that bees can find out when the phone receive or make calls.Approximately 20-40 minutes after the phone is switched on, the bees are out shrill high voice and became agitated.
After a two minute phone call ended, the movement of bees calmed down. Although this study did not directly prove cell phone signals can kill bees, Favre insists electromagnetic wave signal 'contribute' in the world's bee population decline.
"The study shows, an active cell phone makes bees disrupted and dramatic effect," he said.
However, as quoted by the Daily Mail, other bee experts did not immediately approve the Favre analysis. "The results of this study is interesting but not yet prove the phone is responsible for the loss of bee colonies," said Norman Carreck bee expert.