Seperti dikutip dari situs DailyMail, gempa hebat itu ternyata telah menggeser dasar laut secara memanjang, hingga 79 feet atau 24 meter. Temuan ini telah dipublikasikan dalam jurnalScience.
Pada paper tersebut, pengawas pantai Jepang merilis data dari lima instrumen geodesi yang antara 200-2004 mereka tempatkan di sepanjang garis patahan di dasar laut, yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya gempa hebat itu.
Salah satu instrumen tadi, bahkan berada tepat di atas episentrum gempa yang berskala 9 Skala Richter itu. Instrumen itu diberi nama stasiun MYGI.
Ternyata, pengukuran yang dilakukan menyatakan bahwa telah terjadi pergesaran stasiun pemantau itu, hingga sepanjang 24 meter ke arah Timur-Tenggara dari lokasi sebelumnya, yang diukur pada Februari 2011.
Tak hanya itu, stasiun itu juga telah bergerak ke atas hingga sekitar 3 meter. Dr Mariko Sato, pakar geodesi dari pengawas pantai Jepang yang berbasis di Tokyo, yakin bahwa seluruh pergerakan itu terjadi selama gempa Jepang berlangsung.
"Skala pergeseran ini nyaris dua kali lebih besar daripada yang diperkirakan sebelumnya, bila menggunakan data terestrial," kata Sato kepada situs BBC.
Dengan adanya temuan ini para peneliti mewanti-wanti kemungkinan terkumpulnya tekanan seismik yang sangat besar yang tersimpan di sekitar wilayah gempa, sehingga memicu resiko adanya gempa yang lebih mematikan lagi. Gempa dan tsunami itu sendiri telah memakan 24 ribu korban jiwa dan hilang.
Earthquake and tsunami disaster that occurred in Japan last March turned out to havemade significant changes to the conditions of the earth, more than estimated byprevious researchers.
As quoted from dailymail site, it turned out great earthquake shifted the sea floor areelongate, to 79 feet or 24 meters. These findings have been published in the journalScience.
In the paper, the beach supervisor Japan released data from five instruments between200-2004 geodesy which they placed along the fault line on the seabed, which it has caused the great earthquake.
One of the earlier instruments, even just above the epicenter of the quake in the scale of9 on the Richter Scale that. The instrument was named MYGI station.
Apparently, measurements made stating that there had been a monitoring station thatshift, up to 24 meters along the east-southeast direction from the previous location,which is measured in February 2011.
Not only that, the station also has been moving upwards to about 3 meters. Dr MarikoSato, geodesy experts from Japan's coastal watchdog based in Tokyo, believes that the entire movement that occurred during the Japanese earthquake took place.
"The scale of this shift is almost two times larger than previously thought, when usingterrestrial data," said Sato told the BBC website.
Given these findings the researchers cautioned that the possibility of gathering verylarge seismic pressure stored in the vicinity of the quake zone, fueling the risk of moredeadly earthquake that anymore. The earthquake and tsunami itself had taken 24thousand casualties and lost.