Pengguna Twitter kian aktif beberapa tahun terakhir. Namun, hanya ada sedikit yang memiliki nilai berharga, dan dapat dihargai. Menjadi pengguna Twitter seperti itu tentu tak gampang.
Karenanya, para pemimpin digital di seluruh dunia pun memberikan sarannya untuk itu. Pada 12-14 Mei lalu, ratusan pemimpin dunia digital berkumpul di Orlando dalan Mashable Connect.
Konferensi tiga hari paling ditunggu itu memiliki fokus pada dampak media sosial dan digital pada dunia hiburan, media, teknologi dan sosial. Para hadirin, bersama tim Mashable, berkesempatan mendengar tren digital terbesar dari pemimpin Syfy, HBO, Edelman, Gowalla, Tumblr, Buddy media dan banyak lagi.
Saat salah satu hadirin ditanya, ”Tips apa yang bisa Anda beri untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan Twitter?”
Para CEO dan hadirin lain punya beberapa saran sederhana. Meski begitu, ada pula pihak yang berkata sangat berbeda mengenai layanan blog mikro terpanas dunia itu.
Berikut 17 tips dari hadirin konferensi itu untuk Anda. Pertama dari direktur casting @jeffpulver. Direktur ini menyarankan, “Rahasia Twitter adalah, mendengarkan, terhubung, berbagi dan terlibat dalam percakapan. Percakapan sangat penting di sini”.
Kedua, direktur komunitas Meshin @davepeck mengatakan, “Tanggapi semua orang, positif atau negatif”.
Ketiga, COO @michiganflavor mengatakan, “Retweet, retweet, retweet. Orang senang melihat ‘barang-barang’ mereka di-retweet, dan mereka akan mulai me-retweet Anda”.
Keempat, ahli strategi media sosial SHRM @shrmsocmedguy mengatakan, “Gunakan tweet Anda untuk mengatur pertemuan".
Kelima, kepala penguntit status Status Stalker @dstatusstalker mengatakan, “Memulai percakapan. Sapa orang lain dan katakana halo”.
Keenam, pendiri Kratz PR @kratzpr mengatakan, “Jangan anggap Twitter sebagai alat, anggap Twitter sebagai gerbang menjadi sosial”. Ketujuh, CEO Notice Technologies @ctreada mengatakan, “Abaikan orang lain, mereka hanya pornografi”.
Kedelapan, VP Pemasaran ExactTarget @jkrohrs mengatakan, “Jangan tweet jika Anda tak bisa mengeja”.
Kesembilan, Direktur Outreach Intersect @moniguzman mengatakan, “Tweet secara alami. Jangan mencoba memenuhi harapan orang lain”.
Kesepuluh, Social Media Swami Network Solutions @shashib mengatakan, “Lebih dari RSS feed, berhubungan dengan tweeps memberi Anda konten yang menarik yang divalidasi mereka sendiri”.
Kesebelas, Direktur Strategi Sosial HODES @jennydevaughn mengatakan, “Anda harus mengorbankan merek jika Anda ingin dipandang sebagai ahli di bidang Anda. Hanya kirim 10 topik, acara dan ide tweet”.
Keduabelas, CEO Converseon @robkey mengatakan, “Terima ketidakpentingan Anda”.
Ketigabelas, VP Teknologi Innovation Center for US Diary @zagrrl mengatakan, “Cara terbaik belajar adalah, berbagi”.
Keempatbelas, VP & Direktur Social Media Salter Mitchell @heidiotway mengatakan, “Ikuti yang terbaik dan belajar dari yang terbaik”.
Kelimabelas, Direktur Social Media American Airlines @jonnorp mengatakan, “Ingat, tweet terbang selamanya”.
Keenambelas, Direktur Technology Weber Shandwick @chrisvary mengatakan, “Jangan hubungkan Twitter Anda dengan Facebook”.
Terakhir, Direktur Kreatif Interaktif Disney Parks @joeyinteractive mengatakan , “Pemasaran tak menyebar, ceritalah yang menyebar”.
twitter users increasingly active in recent years. However, there is precious little that has value, and can be appreciated. Being a Twitter user like that would not be easy.
Therefore, digital leaders around the world also provide advice to it. On May 12 to 14 then, hundreds of digital world leaders gathered in Orlando Dalan Mashable Connect.
The most awaited three-day conference that focuses on the impact of social media and digital entertainment, media, technology and social. The audience, along with Mashable team, the opportunity to hear from the leader of the largest digital trends SyFy, HBO, Edelman, Gowalla, Tumblr, Buddy Media and more.
As one of the audience asked, "what tips can you give to maximize the use of Twitter?"
CEOs and other attendees had a few simple suggestions. Even so, there are also those who say very differently about the world's hottest micro-blogging service that.
Here are 17 tips from the conference attendees for you. First of casting director @ jeffpulver. This director advised, "The Secret Twitter is, listen, connect, share and engage in conversation. Conversation is very important here. "
Second, the director of community Meshin @ davepeck says, "Reply to all people, positive or negative."
Third, COO @ michiganflavor said, "Retweet, retweet, retweet. People like to see the 'stuff' in-retweet them, and they will begin to retweet you ".
Fourth, social media strategist SHRM @ shrmsocmedguy say, "Use your tweet to arrange a meeting."
Fifth, the head stalker status Status Stalker @ dstatusstalker say, "Start a conversation.Greet people and say hello. "
Sixth, the founder of PR @ kratzpr Kratz said, "Do not think of Twitter as a tool, consider Twitter as a gateway into the social". Seventh, CEO @ ctreada Notice Technologies said, "Ignore other people, they just pornography."
Eighth, VP Marketing ExactTarget @ jkrohrs said, "Do not tweet if you can not spell."
Ninth, Director of Outreach INTERSECT @ moniguzman say, "Tweet naturally. Do not try to meet the expectations of others. "
Tenth, Network Solutions Social Media Swami @ shashib said, "More than RSS feeds, associated with tweeps give you content that is interesting that validated their own."
Eleventh, the Director of Social Strategy HODES @ jennydevaughn said, "You have to sacrifice your brand if you want to be perceived as an expert in your field. Just send the 10 topics, events and ideas tweet ".
Twelfth, CEO of Converseon @ robkey say, "Thank you immateriality."
Thirteenth, VP of Technology Innovation Center for U.S. Diary @ zagrrl said, "The best way to learn is, shared".
Fourteenth, VP & Director of Social Media Mitchell @ heidiotway Salter said, "Follow the best and learn from the best".
Fifteenth, Director of Social Media @ jonnorp American Airlines said, "Remember, tweets fly forever."
Sixteenth, Director of Technology Weber Shandwick @ chrisvary said, "Do not connect your Twitter with Facebook".
Finally, Disney Interactive Creative Director @ joeyinteractive Parks said, "Marketing is not spread, that spread Ceritalah."